Research Professor, CNRS/GSRL, Paris
A CNRS Research Professor at GSRL (the ‘Societies, Religions, Secularities’ Group, Paris), Thierry Zarcone was a Visiting Professor at the Universities of Kyoto (2005–06) and Freiburg (2007–08). His areas of expertise include the Islamic studies and the history of systems of thought in the Iranian and Turkic worlds. He is the author of numerous articles on the history of Sufism and Shamanism in the Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Central Asia and Chinese Turkestan, as well as on the history of Islam in present-day Turkey and Xinjiang. His book Mystiques, Philosophes et Francs-Maçons en Islam (Paris: Jean Maisonneuve, 1993) was awarded the Saintour Price of the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques, Paris. His Habilitation Work has been published under the title Secrets et Sociétés Secrètes en Islam (Milan & Paris: Archè, 2002). Some of his books have been translated into Turkish and Spanish. He has taught the history and anthropology of Sufism in EHESS, Paris, from 2000 to 2014 and teaches the study of political Islam in Turkey at the Institute of Political Sciences of Aix-en-Provence. He is the Editor (with Alexandre Papas and Ekrem Işin) of the Journal of History of Sufism, published in Paris by Éditions Jean Maisonneuve and the Society for the Study of Oriental Culture.
Publications related to the project’s theme
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Shrines (qadamgâh) and Relics Dedicated to Imam ‘Alî ibn Abî Tâlib in the Turkic and Indo-Persian Area’, Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies, 13 (2020): 31–49
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Sufism, Tombs and Convents’, in Lloyd Ridgeon, ed., Handbook of Sufism, London: Routledge, 2020: 283–315
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Au Sujet d’une Iconographie d’Ahmad al-Tijani: Image de Dévotion et Hagiographie Visuelle’, Journal d’Histoire du Soufisme, 7 (2019): 93–112
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Bakhshi’, The Encyclopaedia of Islam 3, Leiden: Brill, 2018
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Sacred Stones in Qalandariyya and Bektashism’, in Sh. Raei, ed., Islamic Alternative, Non Mainstream Religions in Persianate Societies, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2017: 139–58
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Writing the Religious and Social History of Some Sufi Lodges in Kashgar in the 20th Century’, in I. Bellér-Hann, B. N. Schlyter, J. Sugawara, ed., Kashgar Revisited: Uyghur Studies in Memory of Ambassador Gunnar Jarring, Leiden: Brill, 2017: 207–31
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Le Politique et le Saint: Régir l’Islam de la Marge’, in A. Dikhoff & P. Portier, eds., Religion et Politique, Paris Sciences Po, 2017: 45–55
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Syncretism and the Superimposition of Islam on Buddhism in the Pamir: Mountain Cults and Saint Veneration’, in A. Hobart & T. Zarcone, eds., Pilgrimage and Ambiguity: Sharing the Sacred, London: Sean Kingston, 2017: 119–40
Angela Hobart & Thierry Zarcone, eds., Pilgrimage and Ambiguity: Sharing the Sacred, London: Sean Kingston, 2017
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Les Représentations du ‘Derviche’ dans les Sources Iconographiques Occidentales’, in J.-L. Bacqué-Grammont, P.-S. Filliozat, M. Zink, ed., Recherches sur le Monde Ottoman, XVe-XIXe Siècles, Paris: Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres – Société́ Asiatique – Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, 2014: 131–54
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Culte des Saints’, in F. Georgeon, N. Vatin, G. Veinstein, eds., Dictionnaire de l’Empire Ottoman, Paris: Fayard, 2015
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Des Sept Dormants aux Compagnons de la Caverne’, in Lieux Saints Partagés, Marseilles: MUCEM, 2015: 144–7
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Atypical Mausoleum: The Case of the Solomon Throne (Kirghizstan): Qadamgâh, Demons-Cult and Itinerary-Pilgrimage’, in Y. Shinmen, M. Sawada, E. Waite, eds., Saint Cult in Ferghana and in Xinjiang, Paris: Jean Maisonneuve, 2013: 73–89
Thierry Zarcone & Angela Hobart, eds., Shamanism and Islam: Sufism, Healing Rituals and Spirits, London: Tauris, 2013
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Pilgrimage to the second Mekkas and Ka’bas of Central Asia’, in A. Papas, Th. Welsford, Th. Zarcone, eds., Central Asian Pilgrims: Hajj Routes and Pious Visits between Central Asia and the Hijaz, Berlin: Klaus Schwarz, 2011: 251–77
Thierry Zarcone, Alexandre Papas, Thomas Welsford, eds., Central Asian Pilgrims: Hajj Routes and Pious Visits between Central Asia and the Hijaz, Berlin: Klaus Schwarz, 2011
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Sufi Families Private Archives: About Some Unknown Sources for the Intellectual History of Sufi Lineages in 20th-Century Xinjiang’, in J. Millward, Y. Shinmen, M. Sawada, eds., Studies on Xinjiang Historical Sources in 17-20th Centuries, Tokyo: The Toyo Bunko, 2010: 140–61
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Confrérisme, Maraboutisme et Culte des Saints face au Réformisme : Le Cas de la Turquie d’Atatürk et de la Tunisie de Bourguiba’, in O. Moreau, ed., Réforme de l’État et Réformisme au Maghreb (XIXe-XXe siècles), Paris : L’Harmattan & Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain, 2009: 323–36
Thierry Zarcone, Sufi Pilgrims from Central Asia and India in Jerusalem, Kyoto: Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University, 2009
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Naqshbandiyya-Khâlidiyya Influence in 20th-Century Central Asia, Including Afghanistan and Xinjiang’, Journal d’Histoire du Soufisme 5 (2008): 215–24
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Un Lieu Saint Atypique: Le Trône de Salomon (Takht-i Sulaymân) à Osh (Kirghizistan)’, in J.-L. Bacqué-Grammont & J.-M. Durand, eds., L’Image de Salomon, Sources et Postérités, Leuven : Peters, 2008: 209–32
Th. Zarcone, A. Buehler, E. Isin, eds., The Naqshbandiyya-Khâlidiyya Sufi Order / L’Ordre Soufi Naqshbandiyya-Khâlidiyya, Paris: Jean Maisonneuve (Journal of the History of Sufism, 5), 2008
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Bridging the Gap Between Pre-Soviet and Post-Soviet Sufism in the Ferghana Valley, Uzbekistan: The Naqshbandi Order Between Tradition and Innovation’, in Kisaichi Masatoshi, ed., Democratization and Popular Movements in the Muslim Countries: Civil Society Reconsidered, London: Routledge Curzon, 2006: 43–56
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Le Culte des Saints au Xinjiang de 1949 à Nos Jours’, Journal of the History of Sufism 3 (2002): 133–72
Thierry Zarcone, ‘La Fabrication des Saints dans la Turquie Contemporaine’, in C. Mayeur-Jaouen, ed., Saints et Héros du Moyen-Orient Contemporain, Paris: Maisonneuve et Larose, 2002: 211–27
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Sufi Lineages and Saint Veneration in Russia, Soviet Tatarstan and Central Asia in the 20th Century », in The Turks, Ankara: Yeni Türkiye, 2002: 93–100
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Sufi Lineages and Saint Veneration in 20th-Century Eastern Turkestan and Contemporary Xinjiang », in The Turks, Ankara: Yeni Türkiye, 2002: 534–41
Th. Zarcone, A. Buehler, E. Isin, eds., Saints and Heroes on the Silk Road / Saints et Héros sur la Route de la Soie, Paris: Jean Maisonneuve (Journal of the History of Sufism, 3), 2002
Thierry Zarcone, ‘The Sufi Networks in Southern Xinjiang during the Republican Regime (1911-1949): an Overview’, in S. A. Dudoignon & H. Komatsu, eds., Islam and Politics in Russia and Central Asia (Early 17th–Late 20th Centuries), London: Kegan Paul, 2001: 119–32
Thierry Zarcone, ‘La Femme en Asie Centrale et les ‘Régions’ du Pouvoir (Islam et Soufisme Populaire, Culte des Saints, Chamanisme Musulman)’, in C. Lochon, V. Bodin, J.-P. Doumenge, eds., Rôle et Statuts des Femmes dans les Sociétés Contemporaines de Tradition Musulmane, Paris: CHEAM, 2000: 157–65
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Ahmad Yasawî, Héros des Nouvelles Républiques Centrasiatiques’, in D. Aigle, ed., Figures Mythiques des Mondes Musulmans, Aix-en-Provence: Edisud (Revue du Monde Musulman et de la Méditerranée, 89–90), 2000: 297–323
Thierry Zarcone, ‘La Qâdiriyya en Asie Centrale et au Turkestan Oriental’, Journal of the History of Sufism 1-2 (2000): 295–338
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Interpénétration du Soufisme et du Chamanisme dans l’Aire Turque: “Chamanisme Soufisé” et “Soufisme Chamanisé”’, in D. Aigle, B. Brac de la Perrière, J.-P. Chaumeil, eds., La Politique des Esprits: Chamanismes et Religions Universalistes, Nanterre : Société d’Ethnologie, 2000: 383–96
Th. Zarcone, A. Buehler, E. Isin, eds., L’Ordre Soufi Qâdiriyya, Istanbul: Simurg Press (Journal of the History of Sufism, 1-2), 2000
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Quand le Saint Légitime le Politique: Le Mausolée d’Afâq Khwâja à Kashghar’, Central Asian Survey 18/2 (1999): 225–41
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Le Soufisme Politique d’Istanbul à Kachgar’, Les Cahiers de l’Orient 50 (1998): 53–71
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Un Aspect de la Polémique autour du Soufisme dans le Monde Tatar au Début du XXe siècle: Mysticisme et Confrérisme chez Mûsâ Jarallâh Bîgî’, in S. A. Dudoignon, D. Is’haqov, R. Möhämmätshin, eds., L’Islam de Russie : Conscience Communautaire et Autonomie Politique chez les Tatars de la Volga et de l’Oural depuis le XVIIIe Siècle, Paris: Maisonneuve et Larose, 1997: 227–47
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Une Route de Sainteté Islamique entre l’Asie Centrale et l’Inde: la Voie Ush-Kashghar-Srinagar’, in Thierry Zarcone, ed., Inde-Asie centrale. Routes du commerce et des idées, Aix-en-Provence: Edisud (Cahiers d’Asie Centrale, 1-2), 1996: 227–54
Thierry Zarcone, ‘L’Hagiographie dans le Monde Turc’, in D. Aigle, ed., Saints Orientaux, Paris: De Boccard, 1995: 55–67
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Le Culte des Saints [en Turquie et en Asie Centrale]’, in H. Chambert-Loir & C. Guillot, éds., Le Culte des Saints dans le Monde Musulman, Paris : École Française d’Extrême-Orient, 1995: 267–307
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Le Mausolée de Bahâ’ al-Dîn Naqshband à Bukhara (Uzbekistan)’, Journal of Turkish Studies 19 (1995): 231–44
Thierry Zarcone, ‘Histoire et Croyances des Derviches Turkestanais et Indiens à Istanbul’, Anatolia Moderna / Yeni Anadolu 2 (‘Derviches et Cimetières Ottomans’) (1991): 137–200
Marc Gaborieau, Alexandre Popovic, Thierry Zarcone, eds., Naqshbandis: Cheminement et Situation Actuelle d’un Ordre Mystique Musulman, Istanbul–Paris: Isis & IFÉA, 1990