The Mazar of the Seven Maiden
In this article, Tim Grose offers an overview of the Mazar of the Seven Maidens, a place of religious significance in the Uyghur communities of the Turfan region.
In this article, Tim Grose offers an overview of the Mazar of the Seven Maidens, a place of religious significance in the Uyghur communities of the Turfan region.
Tommaso Previato Academia Sinica, Institute of History and Philology There is a tendency in scholarly circles to look at Maoist China (1949–76) as an atheist space where religion barely survived the violence of ‘anti-superstition’...
The site called “Ancient Sage mausoleum” (先贤古墓 Xianxian gumu) in Guangzhou, reputed to house the alleged tomb of Sa‘d ibn Abi-Waqqas, is surrounded by many other graves and stelae. Among them is a tomb locally named the “Tomb of the Forty Sages” (四十位先贤碑 Sishi wei xianxian bei), which was restored in 1955 by the People’s Municipal Government of Guangzhou (Yang, 2002: 27).
Presentation of Tajikistani religious teacher and scholar Bandishoh Sumonzoda (1883–1984), including translated excerpts from a travelogue (2019) by Lutfishohi Dodo in which he related his meeting with Okhon Bandishoh’s family.
Translation of the first two pages (4–5) of a short Qazaq hagiography ommemorating Abd-Zhalil Bab (Khorasan Ata) and his shrine complex. Entitled ‘Holy of Holies: Khorasan Ata’ (Aulierdïn Aulesï: Khorasan Ata), it was written by Orazkhan Zhanïsbekov and Ahmet Abutalip.
Transcription and translation of the poem ‘In Mourning of Ishan Hamid Khwaja’, written in 2003 by Ishan Zarab al-Din ‘Karimi’ in honor of the aforementioned figure of the Naqshbandiyya Mujaddidiyya in the south of Tajikistan.
Translation and commentary of fragments of ‘Abdullah Muhammad ad-Dagestani’s book, Litso Sufizma v Svete Ubezhdenii Liudei Sunny i Dzhamaata (Akhl Sunna va Dzhamaa) [The Face of Sufism in the Light of the True Muslims’ Convictions], translated from Arabic into Russian, [Moscow:] Badr, 2006, 607 p.
Transcription and French and English translation of a sermon excerpted from Min Shengguang’s 敏生光 [Hadj Muhammad Nūr al Dīn] Xinyue zhi guang 新月之光 [The Light of the Crescent], Lanzhou, Gansu minzu chubanshe, 2007.
Translation of extracts of a poem by Ma Lingming (1853-1915), excerpted from a hanging scroll dating back from 1953 (Lanzhou).
This extract summarises the main features of Dervish Luzha’s hagiography. Its author is Nuredin Sadik Lushaj, a scholar of folk traditions from Tropoja (in the north of Albania). The ora mentioned in the title is a figure of northern Albanian mythology, known primarily north of the Drin River.