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The Mazar of the Seven Maiden

In this article, Tim Grose offers an overview of the Mazar of the Seven Maidens, a place of religious significance in the Uyghur communities of the Turfan region.

The legend of the “Tomb of the Forty Sages” in Guangzhou

The site called “Ancient Sage mausoleum” (先贤古墓 Xianxian gumu) in Guangzhou, reputed to house the alleged tomb of Sa‘d ibn Abi-Waqqas, is surrounded by many other graves and stelae. Among them is a tomb locally named the “Tomb of the Forty Sages” (四十位先贤碑 Sishi wei xianxian bei), which was restored in 1955 by the People’s Municipal Government of Guangzhou (Yang, 2002: 27).

Life Story of Khorasan Ata, by Ulan Bigozhin

Translation of the first two pages (4–5) of a short Qazaq hagiography ommemorating Abd-Zhalil Bab (Khorasan Ata) and his shrine complex. Entitled ‘Holy of Holies: Khorasan Ata’ (Aulierdïn Aulesï: Khorasan Ata), it was written by Orazkhan Zhanïsbekov and Ahmet Abutalip.