2023 Workshop

Workshop 2, Provins, June 12–15, 2023

Minuscule Lives?
Muslim Saints’ Vitae in the (Post-) Communist World, from Deviation to Reconciliation

Venue: Hotel ‘Aux Vieux Remparts’ – 3, rue Couverte – F-77160 Provins – Room 01 (First Basement)



Monday, June 12, 2023

13.00-14.15 Lunch
14.30-14.45 Welcome Address Speech
by Stéphane DUDOIGNON (Project Management) & Marie-Paule HILLE (Project Coordination)
14.45-16.30 Participants’ Introduction and Introductory Discussion
(on the project’s blog and its ‘Life Stories’ rubric; the first volume’s publication; the exhibition projects; the first pull-out projects)
 16.30-17.00 Coffee Break
 17.30–18.30 Leisure Time: Provins visit tour (the city’s undergrounds)
19.00-21.00 Dinner

Tuesday, June 13, 2023



Session 1: Politics of Sainthood
(Chair: Eric Schluessel)

9.30-10.00 Timothy Grose
(Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, MN)
The ‘Good’ Muslims of Xinjiang:
Celebrating Sainthood during Religious Sinicisation
10.00-10.30 Ilnur Minnullin
(Shihab a-Din Marjani Institute of History, Kazan)
A Holy Counterrevolution? Muslim Sainthood Viewed by the State Organs of the Tatar ASSR in the 1920s–30s
10.30-11.00 Nakanishi Tatsuya
(Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University)
Becoming a Muslim Saint under Mao:
Ma Zhenwu (d. 1961) in an Arabic-Language Hagiography
11.00-11.45 General Discussion on Session 1 introduced by Eric Schluessel
12.30-13.30 Lunch

Session 2: Salafis, Saints and Politics
(Chair: Stéphane Dudoignon)

14.30-15.00 Lina Tsrimova
(CERCEC, Paris)
Shaykh Gaziyev: A Chechen ‘Authority’ between Organised Crime and Sanctification, since 1954
15.00-15.30 Leila Chérif-Chebbi
(independent scholar)
A Martyr for the Tablighi Jama‘at?
Some Paradoxes of Muslim Sainthood in Communist China
15:30-16.00 Kristina Kovalskaya
(GSRL, Paris)
Digital Hagiographies: The Case of Daghestani Jihadists
16.00-16.30 General Discussion Sessions 2 introduced by Stéphane Dudoignon
16.30 Tea Time
17.15 Visit of the Tour Cesar
Leisure Time


Wednesday, June 14, 2023



Session 3: Sainthood, High Culture and State Building
(Chair: Flora J. Roberts)

9.30-10.00 Stéphane A. Dudoignon (CNRS/GSRL, Paris) Forgetting Saghuni, and Remembering Him: Dissent, State-Building and Transmission of High Knowledge, East and West of the Tian Shan
10.00-10.30 Sultonbek Aksakolov

(University of Central Asia, Khorog)

Okhun Bandishoh Sumonzoda (1883–1984): Elements for the Life Story of an Ismaili Shia Man of God from Soviet Badakhshan
10.30-11.00 Aaron Glasserman
(Princeton University)
Venerating the Iconoclast:
Contested Narratives of Master She Yunshan in 20th Century China General Discussion on session 3 introduced by Flora J. Roberts
11h45-12.45 Lunch

Session 4: Genealogies in Contest
(Chair: Sugawara Jun)

13.00-13.30 Allen J. Frank
(independent scholar)
Muhammad-Hanafiyya ibn ‘Ali as Saint and Ancestor in Qazaqstan
13.30-14.00 Tommaso Previato
(Academia Sinica, Institute of History and Philology)
Rebranding and Contesting Walāya: A Reassessment of Jahriyya Sainthood in Light of the Anti-Sufi Tendencies of the Post-Maoist Religious Revival
14.00-14.30 Rezeda Safiullina-Ibragimova & Leila Almazova
(Kazan Federal University)
Muslim Hagiography in the Volga Region:
Between Theology and the Humanities
14.30-15.00 General Discussion on Session 4 introduced by Sugawara Jun
15.30-17.30 Visit of the mediaeval city of Provins:
A City with Two Faces between Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist
19.30-21.30 Dinner

Thursday, June 15, 2023



Session 5: Miracles in Context
(Chair: Zora Kostadinova)

9.00-9.30 Nathalie Clayer
The Shaping of Sanctity in Post-Communist Albania:
Dede Ahmet in Hagiography
9.30-10.00 Marie-Paule Hille
The Status of Miracles in a Process of Hagiographic Writing in the Early 1950s in Gansu, China: A Typology of Saintly Figures
10.00-10.30 Pascale Bugnon
(University of Geneva)
From Miracle to ‘Tradition’: Reflecting on the ‘Wind-Swaying Stone’ Legend in Quanzhou (Fujian, China) General Discussion introduced by Zora Kostadinova
 11.00-11.30 Coffee Break

Session 6: Sanctifying Territories
(Chair: Allen J. Frank)

11.30-12.00 Jesko Schmoller
(Humboldt University, Berlin)
A New Saint for Bashkiria? Chukuri as the Representative of a Regional Sufi Muslim Culture
12.00-12.30 Ulan Bigozhin
(Nazarbayev University, Astana)
The Qazaq Hagiographies of Abd Zhalil Bab or Khorasan Ata
12.30-13.00 General Discussion on session 6 introduced by Allen J. Frank
13.00-14.15 Lunch

Session 7: Post-Communist Charismas
(Chair: Timothy Grose)

14.30-15.00 Gianfranco Bria
(University of Rome La Sapienza)
The Making of Hagiography in Post-Communist Albania:
Dervish Luzha’s Multiple Sainthood
15.00-15.30 Saida Sirazhudinova
(INALCO, Paris)
Muslim Saints and Ziyarat in the Northeast Caucasus: Gender Aspects
15.30-16.00 Thierry Zarcone
(CNRS/GSRL, Paris)
The Sufi Shaykh Qurban ‘Ali Ahmad in the First Decade of the Republic of Uzbekistan (1991-2000): An Inquiry about Charisma and Sainthood
16.00-16.30 General Discussion on session 7 introduced by Timothy Grose
16.30 Tea Time

Departure to Paris, or hotel change for the participants who spend the night of June 15 in Provins


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Red Gold (June 19, 2023). 2023 Workshop. RedGold. Retrieved September 8, 2024 from https://doi.org/10.58079/te64

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